Section 1. Name and Purpose

The name of the club shall be The Huntington Senior Citizens Golf Club at Crab Meadow. The primary purpose of the golf club shall be to provide social and golfing contact among its members by promoting a tournament program and providing a U.S. Golf Association approved handicap system to implement such competition.



Section 1. Meetings

There shall be two regular General Membership meetings of the Club each year, normally convened in the Spring and Fall. The dates of these meetings shall be determined by the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall notify each member in good standing of the date, time, and place of each meeting at least ten (10) days prior thereto.


Section 2. Order of Business

At all meetings, the order of business shall be as follows:

                a. Report of Officers

                b. Old business

                c. New business  


Section 3. Procedures

Roberts’ Rules of Order shall be the final authority as to parliamentary procedure at all meetings of the members, insofar as they do not conflict with any provision of these By-Laws.


Section 4. Quorum

A quorum shall exist when thirty (30) percent of the members in good standing are present.





Section 1. Directors and Officers

The Club membership, at the Fall meeting, shall elect the Officers of the Board of Directors, whose term of office (1 year) will run on a calendar year basis. The Board of Directors shall consist of the four Club Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer/Membership) and the Chairpersons of the five standing committees defined in Article IV. Nothing shall preclude a Club Officer from concurrently holding the chair of a standing committee.


Section 2. Advisors

The past President shall act as advisor to the Board of Directors and shall retain voting privileges at board meetings.


Section 3. Meetings of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall meet from time to time at a time and place to be determined by the President. The Secretary shall notify each member of the Board of Directors of the meeting at least five (5) days prior to the meeting. The President or any two (2) members of the Board of Directors may call a meeting of the Board of Directors at any time, provided the Secretary notifies each Director of such meeting, stating the business to be brought before the Directors, at least five (5) days prior to said meeting.


Section 4. Quorum

Four (4) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors.



Section 4.a. Proxies

Any member of the Board of Directors may be represented at any duly convened meeting of the Board by a Proxy, provided that the Secretary has been notified of such Proxy at least three days in advance of said meeting, and provided that such Proxy be in writing presentable on demand to the Board convened. A “Snowbird” Board member may issue a blanket Proxy for the duration of such member’s hiatus.


Section 5. Government and Management

Control and management of the affairs, funds, and properties of the Club shall be vested in the Board of Directors. All checks, bonds, or contracts in writing, necessary for the conduct of the business of the Club, shall be signed by the Treasurer or another authorized member of the Board of Directors.


Section 6. Interpretation

All questions as to the meaning and/or interpretation of these By-Laws shall be submitted to the Board of Directors. The decision of the Board of Directors as to any interpretation of the By-Laws shall be final.


Section 7. Vacancies

The Board of Directors shall, by a majority vote of those present, appoint any member of the Club in good standing to fill any vacancy which might arise on the Board of Directors. Such appointee shall complete the term of the Director whose vacancy he/she fills.


Section 8. Voting

Board members shall each have a single vote per person in board deliberations.





Section 1. Standing Committees

The Standing Committees shall conduct the business of the Club in their specific areas of expertise. The Standing Committees shall be as follows:

                a. Tournament

                b. Handicap

                c. Communications            

                d. Rules

                e. Scheduling

The Chairperson of each Standing Committee shall be appointed by majority vote of the Club Officers and shall serve in office until such time that he/she resigns or is removed or replaced by a majority vote of the Club Officers. Each Standing Committee Chairperson shall appoint members to her/his Committee in sufficient numbers to efficiently conduct the business of the Committee.


Section 2. Special Committees and Positions

Special Committees and Positions may be appointed by the Board of Directors to perform needed functions or investigate and report to the Board of Directors.





Section 1. Membership

Membership in the club shall be limited to one hundred fifty (150) residents or property owners of Huntington Township who are sixty (60) years of age or older. When the membership falls below the cap, the Treasurer may accept the applications of new members up to the cap. To facilitate the maintenance of the membership at the cap, the Treasurer shall maintain a waiting list of applicants.


Section 2. Dues

 The Board of Directors, upon the advice of the Treasurer, shall set the annual dues prior to the Fall Membership Meeting. Dues are payable at the Fall Membership Meeting and are considered delinquent on January 15th.


Section 3. Member Responsibilities

All active club members are required to: 

a) Pay their dues by the delinquency date defined in Section 2 above, and

b) Over the course of the Club’s season, play seven rounds at Crab Meadow with a club member and report the scores to the GHIN system in a timely manner.

Failure to comply with either or both requirements will result in the member’s membership being revoked and name being removed from the club roster.


Section 4. Honorary Membership

Honorary membership may be conferred by petition of one-third of the members in good standing, together with the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors. Honorary members do not count against the membership cap.


Section 5. Inactive Status

A member may apply for inactive status at any time, due to sickness, injury, or any other incapacitating condition or situation. Inactive members do not count against the cap. An inactive member may be reinstated to active status upon petition to the Board of Directors and the payment of any dues owing. There will be no penalties upon moving from inactive to active status. The membership cap may be exceeded by a member returning to active status from inactive status.


Section 6. Leave of Absence

 A member may apply (one time only) for a one season Leave of Absence from the club for any reason. Leave of Absence members do not count against the cap. At the end of the leave, the member has the option to return to the club or resign without prejudice.





Section 1. Special Meetings

The Board of Directors, or any three (3) members thereof, are hereby vested with the authority to transact business at a special meeting, notice of which shall be given as provided in Article II Section 1. The notice shall contain a brief summary of the business proposed to be transacted at the special meeting.


Section 2. Call of Special Meeting

The President, or any three (3) members of the Board of Directors, or upon petition of one-third of the members in good standing, in writing, presented to the Secretary, requesting a special meeting, shall cause the Secretary to serve notice to all Club members in good standing in accordance with Article VI Section 1.


Section 3. Alternative Format Meetings

When a general membership meeting is required and circumstances are such that an in-person meeting is unsafe or impractical, an alternative meeting may be called by 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors. The rules, methods and subjects of this meeting shall be communicated to the membership a minimum of three weeks prior to the meeting.





Section 1. Expulsion


By vote of at least two-thirds of the membership present, at a semi-annual meeting or a special meeting called for the purpose, any member of the Club may be expelled for good cause, including but not limited to, unsportsmanlike conduct, vulgarity, violation of rule, or any conduct which reflects adversely on the Club. In the event a member is expelled, he/she shall be reimbursed, pro-rata, the dues paid for the year in which expelled.





Section 1. Organization

The Club shall be a non-profit organization, organized solely for the social benefit of its members. The Club shall not be liable to any member or any other person for any damage or claim arising out of the Club’s operation. Any person applying to and being accepted into the Club hereby waives any such damage claim which may exist at the present time, or which may arise at any future time.





Section 1. Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of quorum present and voting. A quorum shall exist when thirty (30) percent of the members in good standing are present. Any amendment shall be proposed in writing and distributed to the membership at least 30 days in advance of a special meeting called for the purpose of amendment or a semi-annual meeting, at which time it will be voted on by the membership.